Zeon Zoysia® is another of the improved zoysia cultivars chosen for its superior genetic characteristics by BladeRunner Farms. Discovered by David Doguet, this fine-textured progeny came from selections collected by USDA breeder Jack Murray, in Kobe, Japan. Zeon was engineered and developed to provide the landscape industry with a superior fine bladed zoysia, with increased shade tolerance, low incidence of thatch production, and an accelerated rate of spread. In addition, unlike Emerald Zoysia, Zeon, is extremely low maintenance and can be mowed using a standard rotary type machine.
- Hot Weather Tolerance: Excellent
- Shade Tolerance: Medium to High
- Wear Resistance: Excellent
- Salt Tolerance: Medium
- Injury Recovery: Excellent
- Winter Color: Dormant
- Mowing Height: 1”-2”